It has become almost comically simple and easy to quickly identify pro-state fnords like the latest Allen Stanford financial scandal. The Bernard Madoff and Stanford stories should be deciphered as "The financial system is not corrupt, only certain individuals are corrupt within it.". The Nixon scandal and resignation story oft-repeated on the propaganda channel, err, "History Channel" is deciphered as "The Office of the President is not corrupted, only certain individuals who hold it.". The so-called "Women's Rights Movement” lauded by our self-appreciating politicians as such an achievement of democracy is a fnord that covers up the reality that women were forced out of the home and men's salaries were cut in half with the two genders then splitting it. With virtually no net gain in salary for the home and now both parents working as corporate wage slaves, along with a time-consuming commute, a strong sense of family or community is all but ...