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Think Tanks and Fnords

It has become almost comically simple and easy to quickly identify pro-state fnords like the latest Allen Stanford financial scandal. The Bernard Madoff and Stanford stories should be deciphered as "The financial system is not corrupt, only certain individuals are corrupt within it.". The Nixon scandal and resignation story oft-repeated on the propaganda channel, err, "History Channel" is deciphered as "The Office of the President is not corrupted, only certain individuals who hold it.".

The so-called "Women's Rights Movement” lauded by our self-appreciating politicians as such an achievement of democracy is a fnord that covers up the reality that women were forced out of the home and men's salaries were cut in half with the two genders then splitting it. With virtually no net gain in salary for the home and now both parents working as corporate wage slaves, along with a time-consuming commute, a strong sense of family or community is all but completely absent in the lives of most Americans. Going all the way back to the CPI (Committee on Public Information) in President Wilson's day which orchestrated the "Red Scare", there have been think tanks which operate with the purpose of manufacturing consent, exploiting cognitive reasoning, and perpetrating falsehoods of every kind on the public. By now it is more accurate to say that there’s really no such thing as the two parties known as "Democratic" or "Republican", there is only the "Business Party" with two factions known as Democratic and Republican. Both factions serve the same master party and spend millions of dollars every year supporting think tanks all over the country. This process of behavioral manipulation, catalyzed by the complete control of media by the Business Party, is the most central structure of control used by the elite few over the exploited and mostly oblivious many.

The Cato Institute, the Brookings Institute, The Center for American Progress, The American Enterprise Institute, The Project for a New American Century, and so on, are complete with state-of-the-art facilities, press briefing rooms with cameras, conference rooms, Internet access, libraries, and memberships that are attained and maintained in an esoteric manner. These are the places where buzz words, phrases, political language and policy initiatives are born from expert-level study of the brain, of psychology and neurology, sociology, human behavior and other areas which assist in constructing stimuli A to produce behavioral response B. The "War on Drugs", the "War on Terror", "pre-emptive strike", "Axis of Evil" et cetera, are all such examples.

It may be very useful for the American people to pay close attention to these "think tanks" in the hopes that if we can start as close to the originating point of the misinformation stream as possible, and gain more insight on the way fnords of subterfuge are constructed in the first place, we can more expeditiously and efficiently deconstruct them.

Robert Ferguson


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