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'Dark Era' Over

The Middle East/Central Asian invasions in Iraq and Afghanistan are most likely proceeding as originally planned in terms of the timeframe since their respective beginnings. As I've said, the main reason for a decline in violence in Iraq is that most people have simply fled the country for Iran or Syria. Syria has extended its refugee migration limits every year since 2005 with President Assad himself saying in 2007 that "Syria cannot turn a blind eye" to the severity and enormity of the humanitarian crisis. For their trouble they tolerate illegal US military activity inside their own borders on a regular basis including a missile strike in September 2008 which left dozens dead and at least that many injured including innocent civilians. This operation was conducted under the auspices of "the pursuit of terrorists", the usual end-all excuse for US military operations anywhere. Now that violence is within an "acceptable level", a new phase of long-term presence will begin and continue for the indefinite future through the legal constructs of the SOA (Status of Forces Agreement), which of course includes contracts for virtually exclusive US rights to oil reserves along with roughly 50,000 "non-combat" troops left in place for "security training" and "force protection". It’s important to note that included in the language of the SOA, which I would encourage anyone to read, is the right to escalate the level of troops and operations at anytime within the country if the “needs” or “security concerns” arise.

There was a recent article in the Washington Post which led with the headline: 'Dark era' Over in Iraq as Bars Reopen. This story included a mention of young Iraqi women who "Appeared to be prostitutes in tight pink outfits dancing around to pop music". The story continued by hubristically boasting the triumph of democracy found in the scene of US soldiers in uniform, rifles strapped around their shoulders, sipping beers and cavorting about with the young Iraqi woman and the male bar owners. The quote of the "dark era" being over was placed in the headline as though it was the commentary of the UN Secretary General himself, when in reality those words were taken from an interview of an international pop singer who performs at the club featured in the article. To the victors go the spoils of war I guess, but when realizing the true weight of losses that the Iraqi people have endured since the first gulf war, the immoral 10-year sanctions which starved and killed hundreds of thousands including mainly infants and children, the latest invasion and occupation which is coming up on its 6th year anniversary, it's clear to see that the state of existence in this ravaged country has reached the bottom of the barrel in terms of hardship and hopelessness.

It might be worth observing that even Genghis Khan employed a military code of non-fraternization with women of conquered lands and enforced it as strictly as he could as part of a policy, similar to that of Alexander the Great, which preferred vassal partnerships as opposed to direct and marshal rule. Even a barbarian from 13th century Mongolia had a better understanding of regional stability and human relations than our own experts at the Pentagon and on the Defense Policy Board. If you take away a man’s house, his livelihood and ability to attain it, then deny and/or greatly impede his ability to have children, he will become desperate and solely driven to resistance and non-cooperation. The simple translation is that, given the assertions of policy by the great hero of “Hope” and “Change” and his administration, we will have never-ending violence and deaths for the Iraqi people and US military personnel. If the ‘Dark Era’ has ended, then we have now entered an historic black hole of civilization.

Robert Ferguson


  1. Nice blog Robert..Good job so far..I have a military intel background and still have some good old boy contacts.No real inside information though. But through talking to my long time contacts I have come to an understanding about iraq. Sure its partly about oil and control of oil.the purpose is Not for the U.S. to actually use or buy this oil. The purpose is to deny the use of this oil from others. The past peak oil is a myth anyway,oil is created when the earths plates slide upon one another, creating a carbon rich liquid that bubbles up from the mantle.

    Also,Iraq is a staging ground and a foot hold in the middle east.Do you know how much money went into bases and installations?? me neither, but its a butt load, we have no intention of leaving for at least the next 50 years. for gods sake, we are still in germany. And mark my words, our eye is on iran right now. we are in their back yard, just where we want to be.

    To me this is the truth of the matter

    Great blog begining, keep it up


  2. Robert, I too have a blog, and you have inspired me to continue it. I have always been fascinated with zen,and conscious awareness.And have been wanting to teach students in the topic for quite some time. My blog is intended to be like my lesson plan, with the desire to teach others as I grow in conscious awareness. I would be honored if you were to support my blog also.

    humbly yours Fritz


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