I think the default policy for any office work place on temperature should be to keep it in the area of cool. Women get may get a little chilly but they can put on a sweater or bring a space heater. I can't take off my dress shirt. In offices where other guys and myself are complaining that it's hot I still see ladies with a space heater under their desks; they are going to bring them anyway! Being hot while at work makes most people mildly agitated all day. Not a good thing. Argue with the wife over the thermostat at home, but in the workplace that sucker should be at 70 degrees tops.
The media has made a big to-do about the Rick Santelli "rant" on CNBC recently. The first thing that anyone needs to know about the media is that it is never intentionally meant to be informative or helpful in a way that affects their lives in a meaningful and positive way. What the media IS meant for is selling products and controlling information to serve the interests of those who run it. Any instance of the contrary is unintended or accidental. That said, let us all please avoid the fantasy that this "rant" we all witnessed was a moment of truth slipping through the cracks or that it was anything other than a staging point for controlled and marginalized debate. This particular type of propaganda always reminds me of a conflict one might have with someone who is completely wrong or crazy yet some incense-burning, age of Aquarius conscious wacka-doodle floats out of the woodworks and insists that "there are two sides to every story and the truth is somewhere...
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