I think the default policy for any office work place on temperature should be to keep it in the area of cool. Women get may get a little chilly but they can put on a sweater or bring a space heater. I can't take off my dress shirt. In offices where other guys and myself are complaining that it's hot I still see ladies with a space heater under their desks; they are going to bring them anyway! Being hot while at work makes most people mildly agitated all day. Not a good thing. Argue with the wife over the thermostat at home, but in the workplace that sucker should be at 70 degrees tops.
It now appears that a large US military force will need to be deployed to northern Africa in the near future. Of course the requisite media inculcation will proceed and create the sufficient fervor and righteous confidence of the citizenry in the mission ahead, despite the casualties or true losses of our imperial aims there. The US military and CIA have been operating in and around Somalia for over two decades now and the growing instability of that region, culminated by a collapse of the most recent CIA backed government there in 2007, has prompted decisions in the beltway that more than subversive forces are needed to maintain control. The latest “pirate” story, including the kidnapping of a US ship captain, is being promoted on the media grid with the usual meter and appearance of thoughtful restraint. Instead of just saying that we are sending troops to northern Africa as part of the control of the resources in the middle east and central Asia, the TAPI pipeline, etc., a decision ...
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