It should be so obvious by now that central governments and central planning just do not work. Large, Mega-States with corrupt central governments are the biggest enemy of mankind, the leading murderer and oppressor of mankind, the leading enemy of liberty by a huge margin, and always have been. Yet you have these Statist Progressives out in the streets in protest railing on about tyranny and oppression while supporting the very entities that are guilty of the greatest tyranny and oppression.
Civil society needs more decentralization not less. In my mind there are two types of people in this world at present, the people who understand the history of decentralization vs. centralization of authority and the people whose ignorance makes it possible for destructive malfeasance to continue.
The cultural Marxism and Progressive polices of welfare and its ideology in the curriculum are making it possible for the dumbest and most genetically inferior people to breed like rabbits. This is on purpose. It ensures that future generations of howl-at-the-moon stupid mind slaves will support the very elites who are the cause of their condition and being.
Socialist policies perpetuate future generations of weak and stupid people who will blindly support more socialist polices - a paradox of stupidity and genetic inferiority that dooms the masses while keeping the elite in charge forever - leaving the true champions of liberty as the minority, shouting at the ocean waves.
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