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Overheard some of a conversation in the office between two ladies and two guys. Apparently one of the ladies was upset about the way one of the guys regards her. I could tell it was one of those "talks". She kept saying "I just feel like when you...".

Someone has to be outrageously rude for me to have an issue and even then it doesn't affect my work.
I guarantee you this heavy set lady who sounds like an idiot is keeping everyone jumping through hoops to prevent "offending" her so they don't notice how incompetent she is. Why do we allow this? Why do the intelligent and productive people allow the unproductive idiots to lord over us so much? You see them everywhere. They're the lughead rent-a-cop who gives you shit for no reason, the fat black lady receptionist at the front desk who will make everyone's life miserable if she is not treated like the Queen of Sheba, the low level manager who does absolutely nothing useful but makes sure to tell the CEO of the company if you are ten minutes late for work one day.

Why do we keep allowing this? It makes no sense.


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