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The modern Left is woefully ignorant of real economics and its history. A true understanding of economic history would instantly reveal Keynesians like Paul Krugman for the hocus-pocus frauds they are. A true understanding of economic history would also instantly dispel the myth of “Systematic Racism”. It’s capitalism stupid, the real free market capitalism that the US has only known for brief periods in its history in the mid to late 19th century, not the crony-capitalist/socialist hybrid creature that we have today thanks to the unholy alliance of the modern Republican Party (Neocons) and the Progressive Left.  A desire for profits is not intrinsically morally bad, it never has been, and in fact is the only reason the world has what little wealth and technological advancement that it has.

The desire for profit and to exchange favorably as a market actor is absolutely color blind and for reasons of practicality alone. Would even the most proven racist deny himself bigger profits because they are the result of coordination with other market actors of a difference race? One look at the NBA and NFL shows you that’s not true. Ironically, the same desire for profit reviled by the Left as nothing more than greed is the principal reason that systematic racism doesn’t exist in modern society.

So where then does this vile, hidden but ubiquitous, systematic racism exist? In the school systems, not enough good schools for those urban people of color right? For one, the United States spends more money per pupil for all students than any other country in the Western world. Also, is there any doubt who has dominated academia from nearly cradle to college for many decades? The Left! Schools all over the country have school boards filled with mostly people of color. Urban schoolboard superintendents, mayors, principals, city council, you name it, they’re all black or Hispanic or a female. Surely they would have been able to find this systematic racism and “white privilege” by now?

The Left and the Democratic Party have been taking votes and contributions and pouring tax revenue into the urban school districts since before the cordless phone and the schools are still underperforming. My hopeful heart beats on with the wish that one day Progressives will realize these schools are not underperforming despite all of their efforts but precisely as a result of them. Children of all races need a classical Liberal education. The kind that teaches real economics, the kind that instructs the mind and enlightens the soul.


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