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Showing posts from July, 2017
Fidel Castro on Gays: "We would never come to believe that a homosexual could embody the conditions and requirements of conduct that would enable us to consider him a true revolutionary, a true communist militant,” "...a deviation of that nature clashes with the concept we have of what a militant communist should be.”. "They are worms, sexual perverts and criminals...." Liberals: ........................................ Trump bans transgender people from serving in the military? Liberals: "Bigot!!!!!" Stephen Colbert: "F*ck you!" Okie Dokie then. Another example of the willful ignorance and active hypocrisy of Liberals on the "moral" issues they claim to care about so much. At least the neocon Republicans will say it straight to your face that they don't give a shit and proceed to bomb the crap out of people. Liberals will put on that degenerate Lennon's 'Imagine', have a good cry about peace and love, talk abo...
Why would any real conservative call McCain's 'No' vote a betrayal at this point? Someone has to be on your side in the first place to be considered a betrayer when they screw you over.
Another Social Justice Warrior Doodle on Google. This time it's "The Silent Parade" from 1917. Having a parade, certainly now, promoting "anti-black" violence is completely absurd. Blacks commit the majority of murders and violent crimes in this country against themselves and other races PERIOD, despite the fact they are only 14% of the population. If any parade is warranted it should be an anti BLACK-VIOLENCE parade and for the sake of blacks first and foremost. Promoting the narrative of "anti-black" violence as though it is rampant - when it is, statistically speaking, comparatively non-existent - and then downplaying the scourge of black violence in general and black violence against blacks is bad for everybody but none more so than blacks themselves. Promoting this false narrative is morally irresponsible.
It is only the result of constant propaganda that almost everyone doesn't understand from a very early age that ruling elites always want to centralize society. Central banks and central governments, growing more exclusive in leadership and more inclusive in scope. Lofty reasons are given as justification for their existence while their true purpose is the usurpation of human freedom through the consolidation of political and economic decision-making.
Lana Del Rey wins the latest award for "Another dumb, self-important bitch who thinks she's deep and smart.". Hands down. Here are a couple of quotes: 1. "I've learned to live with my sadness." Me: Could you be more trite? Seriously, really asking if that is possible. 2. "There's backlash about everything I do." Me: I never heard of you until today, and it wasn't for your music. 3. "If you are born an artist, you have no choice but to fight to stay an artist." Me: Oh you brave soul. 4. "When I walk outside, people have something to say about it." Me: Ok. 5. "My music is a luxury." Me: Glad we settled that. Although I do appreciate a more honest quote that doesn't hide your delusions of grandeur. 6. "I'm always just surprised when someone writes something about me." Me: Annnnd the the phony humility returns. 7. "Having a simple career as a musician who liked music was goo...
Doesn't it seem strange that Third-Wave feminists rail about human trafficking of children but one even mentions the many thousands of babies killed every year from abortion and all of a sudden it's "My body, my choice!"?
It is pure propaganda that every other non-white race is peaceful and wonderful. "It isn't until the evil white man shows up that things turn to violence and oppression. The Aztecs and Maya were so peaceful and beautiful until the evil Cortez arrived." Are you kidding me?? They were slaughtering and eating each other for centuries and Africans were doing the same thing LONG before white Europeans ever stepped foot on the continent. They are STILL chopping each other's limbs off and killing each other like it's a national pastime. I think Milo said it best when he said that all races have tried to compete and dominate, it's just that white Europeans did it better.
The key to solving health care quality and cost is to make medical and insurance providers compete for the people's market dollars instead of tax dollars. As long as providers are competing for government dollars under government controls, they know that the subsidies and monopoly will allow them to continue to raise prices and reduce service quality. They all know this of course, which is why the biggest lie of socialized medicine is that it helps the poor. Elites know the truth that socialized medicine is actually a huge welfare program for the medical, pharmaceutical and insurance companies.
It should be so obvious by now that central governments and central planning just do not work. Large, Mega-States with corrupt central governments are the biggest enemy of mankind, the leading murderer and oppressor of mankind, the leading enemy of liberty by a huge margin, and always have been. Yet you have these Statist Progressives out in the streets in protest railing on about tyranny and oppression while supporting the very entities that are guilty of the greatest tyranny and oppression. Civil society needs more decentralization not less. In my mind there are two types of people in this world at present, the people who understand the history of decentralization vs. centralization of authority and the people whose ignorance makes it possible for destructive malfeasance to continue. The cultural Marxism and Progressive polices of welfare and its ideology in the curriculum are making it possible for the dumbest and most genetically inferior people to breed like rabb...
There are many things about the NFL that turn me away from it - the government propaganda and military/war worship, the PC culture, the Liberal SJW narrative pushed by ESPN, Stephen A. Smith – but what bothers me the most is the crony capitalism of government-subsidized stadiums. The NFL recently approved Mark Davis’ request to move his franchise from Oakland to Las Vegas. The NFL and NFL team owners claim that their sports franchise stadiums are a boon to the local economy  and that justifies the huge amounts that local tax payers pay for them. It seems analogously fitting to say that these NFL stadiums are, like casinos, not a boon but a DRAIN on the local economy when all is said and done. How many years will go by before any amount of tourism or retail dollars will pay back the $750 MILLION DOLLARS the people of Nevada are forking over without their consent? Corrupt city and county officials collude with business developers and banks - and of course the NFL - pass a vote i...
Learned some Latin today. The term "status quo" is actually just half of the Latin phrase "status quo ante bellum", which means "the state existing before the war". This phrase was used commonly in treaty negotiations at the conclusions of wars. Often a losing side of conflict would sue for at least "status quo ante bellum".
There are two types of non-European immigrants who never ask for a handout, never complain, and in fact thrive: 1. Indians 2. Oriental Asians They come here dirt poor most of them, but in a generation they are owning businesses and doing well. Why is that? Because the men stay with their children and they place the highest value on family and hard work. Latinos and blacks, who have been getting coddled with welfare for decades, continue to suffer with violence, laziness, and fathers who don't stick around with their kids. "Ohhh I'm so oppressed by White Privilege boo hoo". Asians and Indians don't do that stupid crap. They're not outside setting fires and rioting like stupid monkeys. And don't even start on the slavery thing. Indians suffered many centuries of oppression and slavery under the Dutch and British but they dusted themselves off and got back to family and hard work. So here's my message to all Latino and black men who are out there w...
Overheard some of a conversation in the office between two ladies and two guys. Apparently one of the ladies was upset about the way one of the guys regards her. I could tell it was one of those "talks". She kept saying "I just feel like when you...". Someone has to be outrageously rude for me to have an issue and even then it doesn't affect my work. I guarantee you this heavy set lady who sounds like an idiot is keeping everyone jumping through hoops to prevent "offending" her so they don't notice how incompetent she is. Why do we allow this? Why do the intelligent and productive people allow the unproductive idiots to lord over us so much? You see them everywhere. They're the lughead rent-a-cop who gives you shit for no reason, the fat black lady receptionist at the front desk who will make everyone's life miserable if she is not treated like the Queen of Sheba, the low level manager who does absolutely nothing useful but makes sure to...
Is it possible that Trump and team did Good Cop/Bad Cop with Sessions over the recusal in the special prosecutor proceedings in order to flank the Neocon-Progressive-Deep State forces by taking political pressure off of the AG in opening up the leak investigation? 
Why do nationalists always have to be on the defensive in explaining their convictions? I want a border wall and more stringent immigration laws because I want to keep out dangerous or worthless illegals and protect private property and cultural sovereignty. Any nation of people anywhere at any time in history has rightfully sought this. It's actually a no-brainer. So the burden of explanation should be on anybody living in this country who DOESN'T care about those things. They are either in government, are brainwashed Progressives, or are illegals who are directly or indirectly benefiting from the great blood host which is the white European American working man. Robert Ferguson
What strikes me is how lightweight the Western Left is these days. They are so wrapped up in identity politics and bathroom rights nonsense that they are even farther away from having any positive impact on real change than most conservatives. The modern Left is completely delusional and has lost all credibility as a war-conscious group of people. Because they aren't war conscious, at all. When you hear a Progressive talk about the disappointment in Trump they give all the cosmetic and irrelevant reasons like the "pussy grabbing" or that he is "stupid" or that he is egomaniacal. I don't think he's stupid, he's obviously egomaniacal, but none of that is even close to the point. Trump defeated Hillary in the "Blue Wall" states of the midwest because of his appeal to the blue collar and manufacturing workers who got screwed by globalist trade deals like NAFTA signed under President Clinton. Trump has walked back on that. NATO is obsolete and...
The modern Left is woefully ignorant of real economics and its history. A true understanding of economic history would instantly reveal Keynesians like Paul Krugman for the hocus-pocus frauds they are. A true understanding of economic history would also instantly dispel the myth of “Systematic Racism”. It’s capitalism stupid, the real free market capitalism that the US has only known for brief periods in its history in the mid to late 19th century, not the crony-capitalist/socialist hybrid creature that we have today thanks to the unholy alliance of the modern Republican Party (Neocons) and the Progressive Left.  A desire for profits is not intrinsically morally bad, it never has been, and in fact is the only reason the world has what little wealth and technological advancement that it has. The desire for profit and to exchange favorably as a market actor is absolutely color blind and for reasons of practicality alone. Would even the most proven racist deny himself bigger profits...
Exogenous leadership will always betray the endogenous interests of nations in that the farther away an orbit of decision-making exists from the people within its purview, the more likely it becomes that its policies will be tyrannical. This is the sociological argument to be made against globalization and centralization. Meanwhile the “Human Rights” argument has long been used to provide moral justification for the most destructive forms of corporate transnationalism and military interventionism. We should have, coupled with the non-aggression principle, rights that extend no further than the pursuit and exertion of ownership and defense of person and property. The Human Rights argument paves the road to hell.
Progressive women often assert that men have no say with regard to abortion because “men don’t have a reproductive system”. Men are not capable of getting pregnant, but men have one half of the two reproductive systems needed for a pregnancy to occur. But that’s semantics. What they really mean to say is that since only women can get pregnant, they are the only ones who have the right of ultimate decision-making when it comes to abortion. Women are the gender of our two sexes that gets pregnant, that’s true, but what gives a woman the exclusive right of decision making over the life and death of a man’s children? Would it be permissible for a stranger, be they a man or a woman, to claim the exclusive right to say whether or not a man’s child be killed? He didn’t carry the baby so he should sit down and shutup? The Progressive position also implies an exclusive and prevailing association between the female gender and the very position of being “pro-choice”, as if to say “Of course wom...
The only reason we can't end the generations of people who hold the belief that convenience is more important than human life is that their parents keeping disagreeing with them. Cultural-Marxist Progressivism is not a philosophy, it is wickedness and emptiness masquerading as intellectualism.
I think the default policy for any office work place on temperature should be to keep it in the area of cool. Women get may get a little chilly but they can put on a sweater or bring a space heater. I can't take off my dress shirt. In offices where other guys and myself are complaining that it's hot I still see ladies with a space heater under their desks; they are going to bring them anyway! Being hot while at work makes most people mildly agitated all day. Not a good thing. Argue with the wife over the thermostat at home, but in the workplace that sucker should be at 70 degrees tops.
Among NATO nations, the U.S. is among the least socialist, with less than 40 percent of GDP consumed by government at all levels. France, with 57 percent of GDP siphoned off, is at the opposite pole. Yet even here in America we no longer grow at 4 percent a year, or even 3 percent. We seem to be nearing a point of government consumption beyond the capacity of the private sector to provide the necessary funds.